Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday nights at 9pm
218-339-4600 674733#
Email Taffy at mommyetb@hotmail.com
to update me onyour enrollments, status and points etc.

Fast Track Agenda
IMPORTANT REQUEST:I need you all to participate - if you can't make a call please at least communicate and catch up by e-mail. Participation is so important for your success.

AGENDA:Sunday nights at 9pm
218-339-4600 674733#

Scoring begins 5-1 and goes through 5-31.
Points can be earned as follows:
2 pts every call you attend
5 pts for each enrollment
10 points extra for a personal enrollment with a Value/Career Pack
15 points if you achieve All-Star by the 20th of the month
20 points if YOU advance to Director
25 points if you have a PERSONAL advance to Director
30 points for YOUR team if you all get a quality enrollment the same week

*You CANNOT recieve prizes unless you actively participate in the weekly calls*

So many times we have heard Melaleuca Marketing Executives explain their business by saying, "We work for ourselves, but not by ourselves." And that's what is so critical about Melaleuca's Critical Business-Building Activity #6. It says: "Always Be Involved with Fast Track. Keep plugged into success! As you join with others to create successful teams, you'll discover greater synergy and faster growth."
ANYONE who is serious about building a Melaleuca business should be involved.
Melaleuca President and CEO, Frank VanderSloot says that the bottom line with Fast Track is that it's an action-oriented program, geared towards getting results. "The results we're talking about will grow your business. As you apply these principles you'll realize more success, and you'll be on track to achieving your goals. The best part about Fast Track is that it gives you a vehicle to develop your organization, helps people reach their goals and increases your skills in building your business."
Fast Track is a fun, action-packed series of weekly business meetings that focus on correct business-building activities. It's a time when business builders get together in teams, learn productive activities, practice their skills and set goals!!!
Fast Track is a commitment to move your business to another level by being held accountable, not just to yourself, but to others (and to those that really care about you and your business). You are involved in daily activity and it creates great teamwork. You will report results, and DUPLICATE LEADERSHIP!! Also, Fast Track focuses on GROWTH ACTIVITY, not the busy activities. So we won't talk growth charts, how to clean your desk. We will focus on those activities that will move your business forward and you can see results at the end of the day.
Why does Fast Track work?
1. It allows everyone to evaluate his/her business. You will plan, execute, and review.
2. You can set a goal to where you want your business by end of Fast Track.
3. You develop a plan (WITH your team leader). And then agree to work the plan!
4. You Celebrate Success! If you follow thru and meet your goals, that is success:):) No where else (i.e. your JOB) will you get this much recognition.
As a Participant, what should you do?
Let your mentor or support line know you are wanting to participate on a team. Make the commitment to yourself and to others that you will:
1. Attend all meetings. The team is only as good as it's weakest link, so everyone needs to dedicate that time to be there. This is an environment for success!!!
2. Be on time. It is disruptive to the team when others show up late, so be respectful of yourself, your team leader, and your team--be on time.
3. Be prepared. Come knowing your 'stats' (what you did last week) and what you are ready to commit to for current week.
4. Participate. This is a great time to learn from others, but that also comes from learning from YOU. Share, question, participate.
5. Be accountable. Know that these are YOUR goals. They might not be the same as someone else's so as you commit to what YOU want to do, make it realistic so you can be accountable to that.
6. Move your business forward.
7. HAVE FUN!!! This is fun but also rewarding at the same time.